Is Glyn jouw flirt uit de trein naar Tilburg? Reageer nu op!


4 november 2020
We hadden oogcontact in de trein vanaf station Den Haag HS naar station Eindhoven Centraal. Op station Tilburg verloren we elkaar uit het oog.
"Since we were speaking English I’ll write it that way. Hey I met you on the train on November 4th a Wednesday, I got on at the stop Den Haag HS and I think you got on at Delft (but idk). We met at the stop Tilburg around 20.00 and you had to go to Breda, You: black and red dyed hair, wearing a black jacket and grey hoodie/cardigan and listening to I think Metal? Music. You were sleeping and dropped your phone so I poked you to wake you up. While opening your eyes two grey coloured eyes met mines. I pointed at your phone, you picked it up and rushed to find the next train. I walked to the door where you were standing and we talked for a bit but I didn’t get your name. Me: the black girl with long black hair, red glasses, black eyes and black teddy jacket with beige scarf and orange/black hoodie. If you see this leave a reply :) and don’t miss your stop next time :p xoxo"


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