Is Tombutmaybenot jouw flirt uit de trein naar Rotterdam Centraal? Reageer nu op!


12 november 2019
We hadden oogcontact in de trein vanaf station Utrecht Centraal naar station Rotterdam Centraal. Op station Rotterdam Centraal verloren we elkaar uit het oog.
"Does this even work? who knows... But anyway i'm shooting for the stars here, or one star! Leaving the current date but i should have posted in early september, I fought my regrets until now :p Are you the tall cute girl who was taking the 8:18 IC utrecht -> rotterdam almost daily? I'm the guy who tried not to stare too much. I don't know but It felt like i really had to get to know you. I was encountering you very regularly but obviously never made a move. Then you stopped showing up after August, and now i'm looking for you! It's strange and stupid that i'm doing this now, but probably just stupid :) If you see this then hi, but meanwhile good luck to me!"


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